Log-in to ATLaaS at https://www.atlaas.app/ (use your same credentials from Atlas)
Use the MENU on the left to go to the Home Page- this is where Disaster Recovery is located
Creating a Disaster Recovery Scenario
- Click the + in the white Disaster Recovery box
- Name the scenario (you can use any name you like but we recommend something that will easily inform you of what type of outage this scenario is for. EX: ATT Outage)
- Use the drop down under Working Template to select the template that you want to update routing on during this outage scenario.
- Use the drop down under DR Template to select the template that has the routing you want to enable during this outage scenario.
- Use the drop down under Revert Template to select the template that matches the original template routing (this should start with Routing Only and then match the working template name)
- If you want to adjust multiple templates at the same time use the ‘Add more templates’ option to add multiple updates to the same scenario.
- When you have added all templates for this scenario, click Save.
Initiating and Reverting Disaster Recovery
- Locate the appropriate Disaster Recovery Scenario that was created for this type of outage. EX: 0222 Outage
- Click the green button to the right of the Disaster Recovery Scenario that says Initiate DR, you also will have the option to report the outage for our ATLaaS community.
- If this button is Red you are already in DR mode for this scenario
- If this button is Yellow the request is currently pending/processing
- Use the status box to the right of the DR box to watch progress on your request. Once the Activity shows Complete, the bar at the top with turn Red which confirms that you are in Disaster Recovery mode.
- When the outage is resolved, locate the appropriate Disaster Recovery Scenario that you want to Revert back to original routing.
- Click the red button to the right of the Disaster Recovery Scenario that says Revert DR
- If this button is Yellow the request is currently pending/processing
- If this button is Green you are not in DR mode for this scenario
- Use the status box to the right of the DR box to watch progress on your request. Once the Activity shows Complete, the bar at the top with turn Green which confirms that your template has been Reverted back to original routing.
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