These are the instructions on how to use the bulk upload template to create a Pre Order in PortControl.
Creating the Port-in/Pre order
- Login to PortControl
- Navigate to your Orders Dashboard
- Select +Create
- Select Port-in
- Download template
Filling out the template
- Open the template on your desktop and fill out the pertinent information
- Enter in required fields -(Ex: Telephone Numbers, , Authorized Name and Billing Telephone)
- Handles by- Select ATL Handles or Service Provider
- Select ATL handles if you would like us to submit the Pre Order on your behalf
- Select Service Provider if you will be doing the Pre Order yourself.
- Handles by- Select ATL Handles or Service Provider
- New Picklist items added for common fields that don't change, (ex: Account Type)
- If End User Address is known, please include on template
- Enter in required fields -(Ex: Telephone Numbers, , Authorized Name and Billing Telephone)
- This template allows you to input different account details and will separate into the correct losing SPID's once template is uploaded into PortControl
Below is an example of a multi account submission:
- Save the template on your desktop as a CVS file
- To upload file, click in the box or drag and drop the file
- You will know the file has uploaded properly when you see the TNs in the Validate Porting Numbers box.
- If any TNs do not get validated you will see a red alert with an error as to why the TN did not validate and those TNs will not get added to the order until the errors are fixed.
- On the right-hand side under What type of order is this? From the drop-down menu select Pre Order & Order
- Then select Validate numbers
- The next screen will show you the summary of what was uploaded to PortControl from the template.
Below is an example of 3 separate orders from the template upload:
- Each order can be reviewed by selecting the individual tabs at the top of the page
Handles by:
- Select ATL handles if you would like us to submit the Pre Order on your behalf
- Select Service Provider if you will be doing the Pre Order yourself.
If you create a PreOrder and forget to select for ATL to manage the order, you are able to supplement the order and assign to ATL. Once assigned to ATL, the order is not able to be supplemented back to "Service Provider" and order would need to be canceled if you want to manage the order.
- Once confirmed scroll to the bottom on the right-hand side of the screen, you now have the option to create orders individually or all at the same time.
- When selecting create individually, the order that is currently showing will be created. Repeat same step for each tab.
- When selecting create all, all orders will be created at once.
- Once the order has been created successfully you should see a green check mark.
- If there was any errors with the order you will see a red! and a red alert message stating what needs fixed. Make sure not to switch screens because if you change screens, you will lose whatever information you input
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