PortControl User Guide
PortControl is a revolutionary centralized platform that supports number data queries, a certified NPAC SOA, and additional local number management services - all within the same graphical user interface (GUI) and set of application programing interface (API) end-points.
- PortControl Troubleshooting Guide
- Scheduling and Managing Auto Activation in PortControl
- PortControl Notification Definitions
- PortControl DNO (Do Not Originate) Flag
- PortControl Order Flow and Statuses
- PortControl Enhanced CNAM
- PortControl Updating CNAM
- CNAM Fraud Score
- Orders Dashboard View with all your SPIDs
- Orders Dashboard Features and Filters
- Order Status Definitions and Support
- Pre Order Bulk Upload
- CSR Only
- Creating a PreOrder "CSR/LSR'" (Port-In)
- PortControl – Modify Function
- VPOP - Port-Out Process for Clients
- VPOP-Clients: How to create notifications & notification types
- PortControl Reporting - Viewing Transactions
- PortControl Notifications How to set them up
- Parent Child Hierarchy
- PortControl Feedback
- Extended TPP
- LSMS/LRN Dipping via API Or On-Premise
- Bulk Disconnect
- FAQ for PortControl
- How do I switch which SPID I am administrating?
- What do the user roles do?
- Forgot your password, how to reset it.
- How do I view CNAM and historical data for a number?
- How do I view current DPC/SSN data, or optional end-user data for a number?