This document will show you the different order statuses in PortControl and provide supporting information regarding each status.
Order Status Definitions
Order Status | Definitions | Supporting Information |
Sending | Order has been processed by the portal and transmitting information to NPAC. | Orders should not be in a "sending" status for more than 15 minutes, if so, please contact |
Conflict | Order was conflicted by the losing carrier (due to missing LRN, incorrect FOC . . .) | Attempt to remove conflict in portal or contact carrier to have the conflicted removed. |
Failed | Order was sent to NPAC, but an error caused all or some of your SVs to be rejected by NPAC. | The most common reason for Orders going into Failed status is due to "due-date" mismatch with the losing carrier. |
Partial Failure | Order was activated in NPAC and some of the TNs were not updated due to a down LSMS. | Conduct an SV Audit of your TNs and determine the down LSMS. |
Received FOC | LSR Accepted and FOC Received | Orders should not stay in "Received FOC" for more than a couple of seconds before the portal auto-creates the SV. |
CSR Pending | CSR Order received within portal and pending submission. | NumHub to review order and submit CSR request to losing carrier. |
CSR Requested | CSR request sent to losing carrier. | NumHub submits CSR request to losing carrier with any/all supporting documents. |
CSR Invalid | CSR Information Invalided "Rejected" | NumHub or Losing carrier is not able to complete the request due to missing or incorrect information. |
CSR Modified | CSR Order updated with new information or due-date. | Order pending review from NumHub to resubmit CSR request based off new data. |
CSR Review | CSR wasn't submitted through automation. | NumHub will submit the CSR manually. |
CSR Escalated | CSR request escalated by ATL. | NumHub to escalate request on CSR's that have not been responded in 2 business days. |
CSR Approved | CSR was approved by losing carrier. | This shows on the losing carrier order. |
CSR Received | CSR was approved by losing carrier and can be submitted for LSR (if submitted as a Port-In). | This shows on the requesting carrier order. |
LSR Pending | LSR Order received within portal and pending submission. | Portal users are able to manage LSR orders internally through PreOrders or Assign ATL Communications to manage the Order. |
LSR Submitted | LSR submitted to losing carrier | Information provided within PreOrder will be submitted to losing carrier. |
LSR Rejected | LSR rejected by losing carrier. | Order rejected for industry standard rejection reasons and the order will need to be supplemented in order to re-submit. |
LSR Supplemented | LSR Order updated with new information or due-date. | New Information or Due-Date is submitted to losing carrier to obtain FOC. |
Pending | Order successfully created in NPAC | Waiting for losing carrier to build concurrence "matching SV" or for standard NPAC timers to expire (generally 18 business hours) |
Authorized | Order has concurrence or timers have expired. | Order is ready to port the numbers on the dedicated due-date. |
Activate Pending | Order due-date is in the past. | Order is now able to be activated now or in the future (until the other carrier FOC grace period ends) |
Active | Order has been activated. | Numbers have migrated and should now be routing appropriately. |
Cancel Pending | Cancel Orders submitted to NPAC. | Order request to NPAC and pending confirmation of order being canceled. |
Canceled | Order has been canceled at NPAC. | There is no action you need to complete. |
Disconnect Pending | Disconnect Order created and pending disconnect. | Disconnect pending disco date at NPAC. |
Disconnected | Numbers have been disconnected. | Numbers have been disconnected and returned to original block holder. |
Old | Order completed | Order can be archived to be removed from the dashboard. |
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